
What are our fee’s?

Independent Property Inspection Consultants provides our clients with a number of services depending on their needs and requirements.

Inspection fee’s are based on the type of building, square feet of building, location of building from Pittsburgh, type of report required by client, and the type of specific inspection requested.

We quote fees and services either by square feet, hourly rate, or by a single fee after evaluation of the above information.  We examine each of these fee structures to determine which is best for our client as all clients, properties, and specifics can vary.

Please call the office at 412-561-5969 to discuss your specific project whether it is a roof inspection or certification, commercial building inspection, MEP Inspection, or a ASTM E-2018 Property Condition Assessment.

A client requesting a general assessment of the building and grounds we offer services ranging from $875.00 to $2,599.00. These services include various amounts support such as background investigations to estimates for immediate repairs and future replacement reserve costs.

The typical client chooses our Basic Commercial Building Inspection which includes the immediate repairs and future replacement reserve cost estimates. This inspection is usually around $1,200 to $1,400.

Independent Inspections recommends you contact the office to discuss your requirements and to obtain the latest information packet for your project and to learn about the other inspection services offered.